Passionate Education and Research about Statistical Methodology, Data Analytics and Stochastics
European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS)
The MA in Statistics at AUEB is a postgraduate program that provides a broad statistical training. The program has been successfully running for several years. Our students are able to understand and analyze the European official statistical data. EMOS supports a range of statistical skills such as data production process, dissemination, quality issues both in a national and European/international context. We offer to our students the ability to interpret the fast-changing official data production system of the 21st century.
Our department offers a high-quality degree because we have a well-established program that has many options and uses a wide variety of teaching approaches including traditional lectures, tutorials, computer laboratories, online lectures, and project work. With the EMOS label we include lectures/seminars for which statistical authorities (Hellenic and others) will be responsible. At the same time, we expect that some of our postgraduate students will be able to carry on their master thesis at the Hellenic Statistical Authority or to do work as trainees there. We expand the lectures offered to include official statistics supported from experts who work in other statistical authorities. This will provide stronger connections with statistical authorities inside and outside the country.
1st Semester
2nd Semester
Demography (5 ECTS)
Generalized Linear Models (5 ECTS)
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using R (5 ECTS)
3rd Semester
Computational Statistics using R (5 ECTS)
Statistical Learning (5 ECTS)
Sampling (5 ECTS)
4rth Semester
Big Data Statistics (5 ECTS)
Official Statistics and Index Numbers Methodology (5 ECTS)
Topics in Official Statistics: Demography, National Accounts and Survey Data Analysis (5 ECTS)